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Peanuts: How to give peanuts to babies

Updated: Jun 28, 2022

This blog post has all the information you need to introduce your little one to the peanut allergen!

Are peanuts good for babies?

Peanuts are a healthy and nutritious food for babies, offering fat, fiber, protein, B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, zinc, and copper.

Are peanuts safe for babies?

Peanuts are a choking hazard if not prepared correctly. Do not offer whole peanuts, peanut pieces, or thick globs of peanut butter. To make peanuts safe for infants:

- Incorporate peanut butter into a puree or another food

- Use only a thin layer of peanut butter on bread products

- Use peanut flour

- Grind peanuts up to very fine pieces

Will giving my peanuts cause a food allergy?

Peanuts are one of the most common food allergies, but they are not caused by giving your baby peanuts! In fact, the opposite is true. The more you expose your little one to peanuts the less likely they are to develop a peanut allergy.

When should peanuts be introduced?

The guidelines about peanut introduction have changed in recent years. Research tells us that early (around 6 months) and consistent exposure may reduce the risk of developing a peanut allergy. The opposite is also true – delayed introduction increases the risk of developing a peanut allergy. In general, peanuts can be introduced around the time that baby starts solid foods (around 6 months of age).

**Children with severe eczema and an established egg allergy are at increased risk for a peanut allergy. While the research points to 6 months for starting solids, it does suggest “4-6 months” for introducing the peanut allergen if the child is at high risk for a peanut allergy.

To reduce the risk of developing a peanut allergy, offer peanuts early (6 months, or “4-6 months” if high risk) and consistently (several times per week). This is the key! One peanut exposure is not enough. To truly minimize your child’s risk of a peanut allergy, offer peanuts early on and then continue to repeat the exposure!

Ideas for offering peanuts to babies:

1. Thin peanut butter with a little bit of water, breastmilk, or formula to make a puree. Offer on a pre-loaded spoon.

2. Stir a spoonful of peanut butter into full-fat yogurt. Offer on a pre-loaded spoon.

3. Spread a thin layer of peanut butter on a pancake or waffle. Cut into finger-length strips for new eaters.

4. Stir a spoonful of peanut butter into oatmeal. Offer on a pre-loaded spoon or roll into balls to make it a finger food.

5. Stir a spoonful of peanut butter into ricotta cheese. Offer on a pre-loaded spoon Viola, 7 months old, enjoying peanut

butter oatmeal

6. Finely grind up peanuts and use as a

coating for slippery foods like avocado or mango.

7. Make baked good items with peanut flour

Link to introducing peanuts to babies video: Click here

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